Every Dispute is Two Disputes.

Several weeks ago, I attended the annual fall conference of the Southern California Mediation Association (SCMA).   While all the sessions were very good, one of them on emotional intelligence (presented by Harold Coleman, Jr. Esq, Debra Dupree MFT, Psy.D., and Matt Argue, Esq. entitled “The Modern Mediator: Interplay of Psychology [Read More]

By |November 27th, 2018|Mediations, Uncategorized|


Several years ago, I took a course with Douglas Noll who noted that everyone in a conflict is a victim, and every person in that conflict has six needs that must be met before the conflict can be resolved: vengeance, vindication, validation, need to be heard, need to create meaning [Read More]

By |July 15th, 2016|News articles|

Vengeance Shall Never Be Yours!

n a recent post entitled "Listening for the Emotions", I discussed that the best way to calm someone down is to address the emotion and not the words. I learned this in a training session with Douglas E. Noll.However, I did not explain the theory behind this strategy. Again, Doug [Read More]

By |August 1st, 2014|Research|
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