Do Not Mediate in the Heat!

If you have paid the slightest attention to the news over the last few weeks, you have noticed that a heat wave is gripping most of the nation. Excessive heat warnings seem to be posted everywhere. Thus, a recent New York Times article entitled “How Heat Affects the Brain” by [Read More]

Using AI in Mediation

Over the last few years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has been front and center. Indeed, the California State Bar has made one hour of continuing education in the technology part of the Mandatory Continuing Legal education requirement. If you take the one-hour webinar, it no doubt focuses on [Read More]

Reflections on 2023

In my final blog of the last three Decembers, I have reflected on the previous 525,600 minutes aka the year.  Another 525,600 minutes have elapsed, and it appears that we are finally  through with the pandemic. However, we are not through with Covid-19 (Or should I say that Covid -19 [Read More]

By |December 22nd, 2023|Uncategorized|


In 1998, President Bill Clinton was impeached but not convicted based on statements he made regarding his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. In an interview with Jim Lehrer on “NewsHour”, the following exchange occurred: Jim Lehrer: “No improper relationship”—define what you mean by that. President Bill Clinton: “Well, I think you [Read More]

Trust and Rapport- ODR Style!

One of the most important things a mediator must do- if not the most important- is to build trust and rapport with the parties.  In pre-Covid days, this was a bit easier; the mediator could sit face to face with each party and schmooze. Now, we are reduced to being [Read More]

By |April 9th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Mediations vs Trials

Last week’s mail brought a Los Angeles County Superior Court Jury Summons by which I am ordered to be available in March for civil jury trials at the main civil courthouse in downtown Los Angeles ….in the middle of a pandemic. Needless to say, due to the surge of the [Read More]

By |February 12th, 2021|Odd stuff, Uncategorized|
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