Why Mediation Confidentiality?

A good friend emailed me the other day asking if I had written anything recently on mediation confidentiality. I decided to call her in response, wondering if I had missed any news. It turned out that she had a student who questioned the value and effectiveness of confidentiality in mediation. [Read More]

By |July 19th, 2024|Mediations|

Joint Sessions

As mentioned, I teach an online course at USC’s Gould School of Law, which is couched in employment law and teaches how to mediate from soup to nuts.  The book we use advocates the use of joint sessions. But I always tell my students that, for some reason, in California, [Read More]

By |June 7th, 2024|Mediations|

The Casualness of Mediating via Zoom

Last weekend, I attended a conference of fellow mediators. One of the points raised was that mediating via Zoom, or any other video-conference platform requires a different skill set and for those new mediators (of less than three years) , it may be the only skill set they know. That [Read More]

By |April 12th, 2024|Mediations|

The Importance of Showing Up!

This semester I am teaching an online Employment Dispute  Mediation course at USC Gould School of Law. Using employment law as the substantive vehicle, I am teaching my students essentially how to be mediators from “soup to nuts.” In teaching them how to mediate, I note to my students repeatedly [Read More]

By |March 22nd, 2024|Mediations|

The Downsides to Negotiating via Video Conference!

A recent survey ( NADN-2022-SurveyOfLitigators-ViewsOnODR[64656] )  conducted by the National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals found that prior to the pandemic and lock down in March 2020 only about 2% of litigation attorneys had ever attended a mediation or arbitration using a video conference platform.  But thanks to the pandemic, as [Read More]

By |June 16th, 2023|Mediations|

Persuasion and Persistence!

Teaching the art and science of mediation brings to my consciousness a lot of pointers that otherwise reside in my subconscious. Two of them are the fine art of persuasion and the tool of persistence. The textbook used in class (Frenkel, Douglas N.  and Stark, James H.  The Practice of [Read More]

By |April 8th, 2022|Mediations|

Mediation Briefs and Preparation

Why do mediators request briefs from the parties? No- it is not just to learn about the case. Their more important function is to force the parties to think and analyze their case; to give some thought about the strengths and weaknesses of their respective cases and consequently, their position [Read More]

By |July 16th, 2021|Mediations|
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