Why Mediation Confidentiality?

A good friend emailed me the other day asking if I had written anything recently on mediation confidentiality. I decided to call her in response, wondering if I had missed any news. It turned out that she had a student who questioned the value and effectiveness of confidentiality in mediation. [Read More]

By |July 19th, 2024|Mediations|


We all love a delightful story. And stories are important in negotiating and resolving disputes. This point was eloquently made by Dr. Joshua N. Weiss in Harvard’s Program on Negotiation, “The Sunday Minute” (April 17, 2022): At their best, stories create a sense of connection, build trust, allow the listener [Read More]

By |May 13th, 2022|Negotiating|

A Parable about Trust!

In recent blogs, I have discussed the importance of trust, rapport and reciprocity in resolving disputes. Something happened recently that highlights the importance of trust and rapport. Surprisingly, it has to do with one of my dogs- Buddy. Buddy is a rescue which we adopted when he was six years [Read More]

By |February 11th, 2022|Negotiation|

Interpersonal Skills

The end of the semester is drawing near in my online employment mediation dispute class. The theme of the last discussion board is reflective: what three things has each student learned from or skills developed or improved upon in this course. There is a saying to the effect that as [Read More]

By |April 30th, 2021|Mediations|

Trust and Rapport- ODR Style!

One of the most important things a mediator must do- if not the most important- is to build trust and rapport with the parties.  In pre-Covid days, this was a bit easier; the mediator could sit face to face with each party and schmooze. Now, we are reduced to being [Read More]

By |April 9th, 2021|Uncategorized|
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