Mediation: I am Too Hungry to Decide

Recently, I conducted a mediation that went much longer than expected. It started at 11:00 am and after a couple of hours, I could see that the session would not conclude anytime soon, so I ordered lunch for everyone. Around dinner time, it appeared that we would soon be finished [Read More]

By |July 12th, 2013|Mediation|

Setting Your Own Course in Mediation

Recently, I conducted a mediation during which the matter did not settle. However, after the mediation session was over, the parties continued to negotiate- trading monetary demands and offers back and forth. It was a credit reporting case in which plaintiff alleged and defendant denied that an alleged credit transaction [Read More]

By |July 5th, 2013|Mediation|

Mediation As A Business

Most mediators I know are passionate about their work and about bringing peace to the world. We like to think of ourselves as "peacemakers" and that our goal is to assist others in resolving disputes. Consequently, we may not always focus on the fact that mediation is a business or [Read More]

By |March 30th, 2012|Mediation|

Scma’s 23Rd Annual Conference

Time sure does fly! It is that time of year again, and I can't believe that it has already been a year since I was President of SCMA. The Southern California Mediation Association ("SCMA") is holding its 23rd Annual Conference on November 4-5, 2011 in Los Angeles, CA. Entitled "Putting [Read More]

By |October 21st, 2011|Mediation|
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