Macro Ethics and Micro Ethics

I always thought ethics was ethics. But evidently, there are two types: macro ethics and micro ethics. According to Wikipedia, Macro ethics is a term that was coined in the 20th century "… to distinguish large-scale issues from individual ethics or micro ethics. It is a type of applied ethics". [Read More]

By |October 1st, 2021|Research|

The Mediator as a Choice Architect.

One of the most important aspects of mediation is self-determination. Standard 1 of the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediation is entitled "Self-Determination." It provides that a mediator shall conduct a mediation based on self-determination which it defines as the "act of coming to a voluntary uncoerced decision in which [Read More]

By |September 24th, 2021|Research|

How Do You Define “Ethics?”

In a recent post, I discussed a book I just finished reading, The Power of Ethics by Susan Liautaud (Simon and Schuster, New York, NY 2021). While Professor Liautaud made many interesting points, her definition of "ethics" caught my attention: "For centuries, we have shared common expectations of how we [Read More]

By |September 3rd, 2021|Research|

Making Ethical Decisions

A few weeks ago, I went into a bookstore to look around and possibly buy some books to read during my work-from-home stint. I stumbled across The Power of Ethics by Susan Liautuad (Simon & Shuster, New York, NY, 2021) and could not resist buying it: it may provide some [Read More]

By |August 27th, 2021|Research|

Vividness Bias: Real or Illusory?

On June 29, 2021, Harvard's PONS posted a blog written by staff entitled, "Negotiators: Resist Vividness Bias in Negotiations." It defined vividness bias as "…the tendency to overweight the vivid and prestigious attributes of a decision, such as a salary or an employer's status, and underweight less impressive issues, such [Read More]

By |August 6th, 2021|Research|

Implicit Bias is Everywhere!

Recently, I discussed an empirical study conducted by University of Hawaii Professor Justin D. Levinson and Mark Bennett, U. S. District Judge (ret.) on 239 sitting federal and state judges regarding their implicit bias towards "largely favored minority groups" (or the "Model Minority")- Asians Americans and Jews. (Levinson, Justin D., [Read More]

By |July 30th, 2021|Research|

Implicit Bias in Judging!

Recently, I attended a Zoom presentation sponsored by the American Jewish Committee San Francisco entitled, "Judging Implicit Bias: The Role of Implicit Bias in Judicial Decision-making." Two of the presenters- University of Hawaii Professor Justin D. Levinson and Mark Bennett, U. S. District Judge (ret.) discussed an empirical study they [Read More]

By |July 23rd, 2021|Research|
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