Do Not Mediate in the Heat!

If you have paid the slightest attention to the news over the last few weeks, you have noticed that a heat wave is gripping most of the nation. Excessive heat warnings seem to be posted everywhere. Thus, a recent New York Times article entitled “How Heat Affects the Brain” by [Read More]

Never Mediate During a Heat Wave!

Every day we read and/or see news of how climate change has affected or is impacting our daily lives. Well- an article in Live Science suggests that heat may cause us to be more aggressive (if not sleepy!) In an article  published in early September 2023 entitled “Hot Weather could [Read More]

By |September 29th, 2023|Research|

The Ultimate Hardball Tactic!

Russia has engaged in the ultimate hardball tactic: it invaded Ukraine. Watching this invasion unfold reminded me of hardball negotiations and tactics. As defined in The Business Professor,  “hardball  tactics”: …are measures used in a negotiation to set a competitive tone. It generally involves using some form or power, leverage, [Read More]

By |February 25th, 2022|Negotiation Strategy|
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