Listening To Understand

This past week, I taught my last class for the semester at the University of Southern California's Gould School of Law. The online course entitled Employment Dispute Mediation teaches the students how to mediate "from soup to nuts." Many of the students are Human Resource (HR)  professionals, which makes my [Read More]

A lesson learned!

Last week, I conducted a lemon law mediation which highlighted a very valuable lesson. People need to be heard, acknowledged, and told that what they are saying has merit. The plaintiff leased a luxury automobile. At one point, she brought it into the dealership after the check engine light came [Read More]

By |March 25th, 2022|Actual Mediations|

Mediations vs Trials

Last week’s mail brought a Los Angeles County Superior Court Jury Summons by which I am ordered to be available in March for civil jury trials at the main civil courthouse in downtown Los Angeles ….in the middle of a pandemic. Needless to say, due to the surge of the [Read More]

By |February 12th, 2021|Odd stuff, Uncategorized|
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