Mediation Confidentiality Strikes Again

Once again, an appellate court in California has confirmed the “…near categorical prohibition against judicially crafted exceptions to mediation confidentiality.” In Amis v Greenberg Traurig, LLP et al, (Issued March 18, 2015, Case No. BC 426815)  (Id. at 8.), the Court of Appeal for the Second Appellate District held that mediation [Read More]

By |March 27th, 2015|Court Cases|

When is a result “absurd”?

Recently, I participated on a panel on Mediation Confidentiality sponsored by the Southern California Mediation Association. As many of you are aware, the California Supreme Court has very strictly interpreted the mediation statutes in California Evidence Code Sections 1115-1128 to the point of repeatedly holding that there are no exceptions [Read More]

By |March 20th, 2015|Court Cases|

So Much for Modern Technology!

The First Appellate District of the California Court of Appeal published, then depublished (California Rule of Court 8.1105), then certified for publication a decision holding that a printed name and address at the end of an e-mail allegedly confirming the terms of a settlement do NOT constitute an enforceable settlement [Read More]

By |January 30th, 2015|Court Cases|

Side Stepping Federal Mediation Confidentiality

Once again, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has addressed the issue of the federal common law mediation confidentiality privilege without addressing it. It avoids the issue by saying that while the federal common law mediation confidentiality privilege applies, the defendant waived it and so it is not necessary to [Read More]

By |June 6th, 2014|Court Cases|
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