Implicit Bias is Alive and Well

There has been much written about implicit bias, and society has worked hard to eradicate it. Yet, one recent study and one news article indicate that however hard society has tried consciously to be rid of implicit biases, unconsciously, they still exist. In a June 20, 2016 article posted on [Read More]

By |July 22nd, 2016|News articles|


Several years ago, I took a course with Douglas Noll who noted that everyone in a conflict is a victim, and every person in that conflict has six needs that must be met before the conflict can be resolved: vengeance, vindication, validation, need to be heard, need to create meaning [Read More]

By |July 15th, 2016|News articles|

Think About the Consequences!

The recent vote by Great Britain to exit the European Union (aka Brexit) is an example of making decisions emotionally and without thoroughly analyzing the consequences. Or, of not thinking things through. As has been shown in various studies, people’s decisions tend to be emotional rather than rational. Indeed, some [Read More]

By |July 1st, 2016|News articles|

To Leave or To Remain?

I have just returned from a trip to Europe where whether “to Leave or to Remain” is very much the question of the day. It relates to the national referendum which Britain will hold on Thursday- June 23, 2016 on Brexit: should it remain within the European Union or leave? [Read More]

By |June 23rd, 2016|News articles|
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